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01 – About IT Solutions and Teams Management

3 min read

About IT Solutions and Teams Management #

Video Transcript: #

I am happy to welcome you to the third and final episode of our series on Microsoft Teams, that we’re conducting in conjunction with the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County.

My name is Michael Gavigan and I would like to, grab the screen here, and walk you through a little bit about Microsoft and about our program this morning.

We’ve been around for 16 years and we’ve been acknowledged as an industry leader in network management over and over again. We’re woman owned, we’re veteran owned, and we concentrate on three primary areas when we support our clients.

First one is obviously productivity. Technology doesn’t appeal to us and certainly shouldn’t appeal to you for its own sake, it has to help you make money or save money. It has to help your people work more efficiently, more intelligently, more productively and that’s what Teams is about. And that’s what gonna be talking about today. But we’re also careful about two other areas of your environment.

One is resiliency. We don’t want you to be brought to your knees. We don’t want your company to be suffering because of a malware attack or hurricane or a fire or a flood in the in the server room. So we back up your environment, our client’s environments every hour. We test the restoral of those networks every night. So we’re all about resiliency.

And finally, security, we want to make sure that your environment is as secure as possible. We do that through a combination of cutting edge technology and employee education.

You’re going to see some of our clients popping up on the screen. We talk about them every week, we’re proud of them, every day.

We think that these are some of the best organizations in the region and we’re proud to be associated with every one of them. I’ll mention a few that we don’t normally mention today. The Palm Beach County Bar Association is a client of ours. Nonprofits First is very happy and long-term client of ours. One parking, if you have to go to park over at Rosemary Square formerly known as City Place. That’s a One Parking facility, they have them all over the country. We support them all over the country.

We’re gonna change it up a little bit. After I introduce the members of the Microsoft Teams, team, Deana Pizo is with us today, she is our CEO. Jason, her husband our CIO, he’s going to be one of our presenters today. Wes Boggs our VP of Technology is going to be our other presenter today. And I’m gonna try to not get in their way.

When we met previously, I spent a few minutes going through, I don’t know, five or ten slides before we turned the meeting over to the smart people. We’re gonna turn it upside down today, and we’re gonna get right to the demos, and then we’ll take that stupendous slideshow and tack it on at the end. So, I can show you what’s coming down the Team’s pipeline, you see, what’s next in the road map, that Microsoft is developed for Microsoft Teams.

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