IP Spoofing Attacks Show Significant Increase

Gaming and Gambling are huge industries with a truly global footprint.  It’s no surprise then, that these industries have become an increasingly popular target for hackers. Interestingly, according to the latest report issued by ThreatMatrix, the attack vector of choice when it comes to these industries is IP Spoofing. It …

Another Data Breach, This Time At The Pentagon

As many as 30,000 people made up of a mix of both civilian and military personnel have had their personal and financial information exposed. This exposure is what has been reported as a major security breach of the Pentagon. This is proof positive that no organization is safe from watchful …

Spectre Security Built Into New Intel Chip Hardware

By now, almost everyone has heard of the Spectre and Meltdown security flaws that have been making headlines for more than a year.  They’re serious flaws with dire implications for tens of millions of users around the world who have an intel-based PC. The saga surrounding the fixes for these …

Major Facebook Breach May Have Affected Your Account 

Facebook got hit hard by a currently unknown group of hackers.  If you recently found yourself inexplicably logged out of the social media site, Facebook did it in response to the breach. The breach resulted in the theft of data pertaining to more than fifty million of the site’s users. …

Apple IOS12 Users’ Photos And Contacts May Be Vulnerable

Jose Rodriguez, a Spanish Apple enthusiast, has discovered a new security flaw to be aware of. He posted a Proof of Concept video showing the exploit in action.  We’ll say upfront that this is a highly convoluted attack involving more than two dozen discrete steps.  A hacker would need to …

Payment Pages Are Being Compromised To Steal Data 

Symantec’s most recent statistics have revealed a disturbing trend.  Malware designed to compromise checkout pages is seeing a big spike in use, with the company reporting a staggering 248,000 attempts since August 13th of this year, with more than a third of them (36 percent) between September 13th through September …

How Long Before You Experience A Cyber Attack?

According to this year’s Traveler’s Risk Index, published by The Traveler’s Indemnity Company, a majority of business owners have a somewhat fatalistic view of hacking and data breaches. The index includes 52 percent of survey respondents indicating that they believe a cyber-attack is inevitable. The other statistics in the report …

Firefox Adds Data Breach Monitoring Service 

Firefox is upping the ante where digital security is concerned, having just announced the release of a new, free service called ‘Firefox Monitor.’  The new service is designed with one specific goal in mind:  To assist users in finding out if their accounts were exposed via a data breach. It …