Two new critical flaws have been discovered in Adobe Acrobat and Reader that require your urgent attention. In fact, the flaws were rated as so severe that the company broke with its tradition of releasing security updates around the middle of the month in coordination with Microsoft’s “Patch Tuesday”. They …
Join Us And LPBC For Our Cyber Security Lunch & Learn!
You are invited to join us for a Cyber Security Lunch & Learn this month! We are co-hosting this informative event with Leadership Palm Beach County. Event Details: Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Location: 2751 S. Dixie Hwy., …
Wannacry Ransomware Continues To Be A Problem For Some
It’s been the better part of two years since the outbreak of the Wannacry ransomware epidemic. Unfortunately, all this time later, some companies are still dealing with the fallout. According to the latest research, Wannacry is still infecting hundreds of thousands of computers around the globe. As grim as that …
New Internet Explorer Exploit Currently Being Used By Attackers
Are you still using Internet Explorer? Now you have a new reason to consider switching to a more up to date browser. As most people know, Microsoft essentially gave up on Explorer after it failed to gain ground against its major competitors in the browser ecosystem. They started fresh, with …
New Amazon Order Confirmation Emails Could Be Phishing Attempts
According to Alexa, Amazon is the 4th most visited website in the United States and ranks 8th worldwide. To say that it gets a lot of traffic every day would be an understatement, which is why a newly discovered phishing campaign pretending to come from Amazon is so disturbing. Although …
Chromebook To Get Additional USB Security
Google is taking additional steps to protect its Chromebook user base. Currently, if a hacker has physical access to your machine, he or she could insert a flash drive in the USB port and run malicious code from it. The company is adding a new feature called USBGuard, which blocks …
Twitter May Have Been Hit By Another Data Breach
2018 hasn’t been a great year for social media, with all the major platforms suffering a number of significant data breaches at various points in the year. Twitter alone has seen several, including the biggest one in May when the company urged all of its 330 million users to reset …
Virtualization Making It Safer To Open EXE Files On Windows
Microsoft recently announced an addition to Windows 10 that should make the lives of Enterprise and power users a whole lot easier. Running an unknown, untrusted .exe file on your machine can be an event that fills you with dread. The best case, of course, is that everything turns out …
New Phishing Attacks Look Like Emails From Apple
There’s a new, widespread phishing campaign underway that you need to be aware of if you use the Apple App store at all. At this time, no one knows who’s behind the campaign, but already, a surprising number of people have been taken in by it. The campaign works like …
Facebook Flaw Exposed Photos Belonging To Millions Of Users
Recently Facebook fessed up to a bug in their photo API that exposed the photos belonging to nearly seven million of the company’s users to app developers. The way the photo API is supposed to work is as follows: When you give an app permission to access your Facebook photos, …