Bad news is on the horizon if you’re one of the surprising number of people still using Windows 7. Microsoft is only offering one more year of free support. As of January 14th, 2020, you’ll no longer have access to critical security updates. While support will end entirely for individual …
Scammers Are Using Direct Deposit Requests To Steal Money
Last year, the FBI issued a warning regarding BEC (Business Email Compromise) scams. Unfortunately, security professionals report that those types of scams are increasing in frequency, and worse, the most recent ones come with a disturbing new twist. The latest incarnation of the scam targets employees, seeking to move their …
Employee Education Emphasized At Cyber Security Event
Educating employees as the first, and most vital, line of defense against cyber-attacks on your business was the dominant theme at our most recent Lunch & Learn. “I really enjoyed the presentations from the other two speakers and the excellent questions from the attendees,” Deana Pizzo said. “I was really …
Malware Drains Your Computer’s Resources Without Your Knowledge
Cryptominers are among the most common type of malware in the wild today, based on the latest research by digital security company Check Point. While there are dozens of variants deployed by hackers, the cryptojacker “Coinhive” is the malware of choice this year. Once installed on a computer, it works …
New Love Letter Email Could Load Malware On Your PC
Here’s some disturbing news: Hackers around the world are actively trying to exploit Valentine’s Day. This is according to new research from the Emerging Treats team at the security firm ProofPoint. The team has detected a massive new mal-spam campaign they’ve dubbed “The Love Letter Campaign.” Relying on basic …
Government Shutdown May Cause Issues With Web Security
Here’s a side-effect of the government’s continuing shutdown that many people had not anticipated: Expiring TLS Certificates used for web security. Most people clearly see the impacts of national parks closing and the like. It’s worth remembering that the government’s IT staffed as been classified as ‘non-essential’ too, which means …
New Ransomware Encrypts Data And Steals Payment Info
There’s a new strain of ransomware being deployed with increasing frequency. Believe it or not, it’s even more dangerous than the strains we’ve seen in recent months. Unlike other types of ransomware, this one not only encrypts your files and demands payment (which is bad enough) but it also attempts …
Passport And Credit Card Numbers Stolen In Marriott Hack
Recently, Marriott Hotels informed the world that they had been the victims of a massive data breach. As it turns out, the breach was even more serious than was initially reported. As the company has learned more from the ongoing investigation into the matter, they’ve been doing an admirable job …
Page Caches May Be Vulnerable To Attack
There’s a new side channel attack to worry about. This one is after the target system’s OS page cache, where a variety of sensitive data that has been accessed by the device’s owner is stored for rapid retrieval. Perhaps the worst and most ominous aspect of this newly identified threat …
High Quality Photos May Affect Facial Recognition On Some Phones
One of the exciting new features offered by the latest smartphones is facial recognition, which allows users to unlock their devices simply by looking at them. On paper, it’s a great feature and incredibly convenient, but there’s a problem. The issue was uncovered by a non-profit group called the Dutch …