Mistyped URLs Will Soon Get A Warning In Chrome

At one point or another, everybody has done it.  You open a browser and type in the URL of a site you visit frequently.  In doing so, your finger slips and you mistype it.  Sometimes, nothing comes of it except that you get an error message. Knowing that, increasing numbers …

Hackers Are Hiding Code In Images To Fool Mac Users

In the world of hacking, steganography ranks as one of the most difficult methodologies to detect. If you’re not familiar with the term, it is the practice of embedding executable code inside images, which makes it virtually impossible to detect. The reason is simple:  Virus scanners are built around the …

Chrome And Firefox Should Be Updated To Stay Secure

The first browser update of 2019 is officially out. Both Google’s Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox browsers are getting a raft of security fixes that will help make Mac, Linux and Windows users safer and more secure. The latest build of Chrome addresses nearly sixty CVE-level flaws, seventeen of which are …

Your PC May Have Security Risks From Old Loaded Software 

When was the last time you conducted a company wide audit on all the software running on all the machines tied to your firm’s network?  If you’re not sure the answer to that question, it’s almost certainly been too long.  The risk, at least according to the latest survey from …

Security Issue Causes Apple To Disable Group Facetime Temporarily

Apple’s latest iOS release contained a feature that wowed and excited its massive user base.  Group FaceTime.  It was heralded as ‘the next Big Thing’ in the Apple ecosystem. Unfortunately, there are problems, and the company has been forced to temporarily disable the feature while they wrestle with a major …

Watch Out For New Ransomware Called Phobos

There’s a new strain of ransomware making the rounds, and it’s a nasty piece of work. Called Phobos by its creators, the latest threat on the ransomware scene first made an appearance in December of 2018. While details are sketchy, what we know so far about it is grim indeed. …

Many Android VPN Apps Contain Malware Or Exploitable Weaknesses

If you’re like many seasoned ‘Netizins, you probably rely on some type of VPN to help ensure your digital privacy. Unfortunately, based on research conducted by Simon Migliano, you could very well be wasting your time. Mr. Migliano is the head of research at Metric Labs and is a respected name …

Ransomware Can Make Installing Illegal Software More Risky

Most reputable businesses don’t deal in illegal copies of commercial software, but there have been a few reported instances. There’s always the possibility that a cash-strapped individual that’s eager to do additional work from home might resort to installing a ‘cracked’ free copy of a program. Unfortunately, those who opt …

Windows Vulnerability Found Using VCard Files 

There’s a new zero-day vulnerability in Windows 10 you need to be aware of.  As with all zero-day threats, this one is dangerous in the extreme, allowing a hacker to potentially execute code on your machine remotely. It was discovered by security researcher John Page, and reported to the company …

Chrome Extensions Are Being Targeted For Hacks

If you’re like most people, no matter how careful you are when you surf the web, you seldom think to review the permissions browser extensions ask for when you install them.  It’s just one of those things that’s easy to lose sight of, and unfortunately, hackers are aware of this. …