Do you have a solid- state drive (SSD)? If so, you’re probably aware that recent builds of Windows 10 have introduced an unexpected issue. It causes the automatic maintenance feature of the OS to kick in and defragment SSDs much more frequently than they should be, which greatly reduces their …
Microsoft Adds Lists To Their Teams Communication Platform
One of the more common complaints people have about mobile devices is the fact that it’s still harder than it should be to do certain kinds of work. Manipulating spreadsheets on a mobile device, for example, can be a lesson in frustration. If that’s something you’ve experienced firsthand, and if …
Hackers Used Windows Theme Packs To Hack Passwords
Are you a fan of customizing your Windows experience via themes? If so, you’re not alone. While it’s true that themes aren’t used by a majority of Windows users, they’re still highly popular. If you’re creating your own themes, you don’t have anything to worry about. The danger lies in …
Adobe Updates Some Of Their Products Due To Critical Issues
Adobe continues to have problems associated with JavaScript. As a consequence, they have released new patches for Experience Manager, InDesign, and Framemaker. Of these, the patch for Experience Manager is the largest, and addresses a total of five critical vulnerabilities, tracked as: CVE-2020-9732 CVE-2020-9734 CVE-2020-9740 CVE-2020-9741 CVE-2020-9742 Each of these …
Some NAS Devices Are Being Exploited By Remote Hackers
Do you have any network-attached storage (NAS) devices attached to your home or corporate network? If so, be advised that they’ve become the new favorite inroad for hackers around the world. According to a report recently published by researchers at 360 Netlab, hacking groups are increasingly exploiting weaknesses in some …
Upgrade Older Phones To Get New Pokemon Go Updates
Are you a Pokemon Go fan? If so, we’ve got bad news. Beginning in October of this year (2020), your game will stop working on older Android and iOS devices. Support is officially being discontinued for Android 5, iOS 10, and iOS 11. Additionally, the company is ending support for the …
New Features Have Been Added to Office 365
If you’re an Office 365 user, you’ll be pleased to know that that Word for the web now has two cool new features: Transcribe and support for voice commands. Currently, the transcription capabilities are somewhat limited, but are still robust enough to be genuinely useful. At present, it only supports …
New Malware Maker Got Past Apple Security
Apple has been historically very good at keeping malware out of their app store, and they’re constantly improving their security protocols on that front. In fact, since February of this year (2020), all Mac software distributed outside of its Mac App Store must be notarized by Apple. The developers must …
Google Turns Up The Speed on Chrome
Who doesn’t love a faster and more seamless surfing experience? If you’re a Google Chrome user, you’re going to want to upgrade to Chrome 85 at your next opportunity. It includes a new compiler called PGO (Profile Guided Optimization). PGO was first introduced with Chrome 83 for Windows using the …
Amazon Moves A Step Closer To Delivery By Drone
For more than a decade, futurists have been talking about the day when drones will be used to deliver everything from packages to Pizzas. If you’ve been following the trends, you know that at least one major pizza chain has already begun experimenting with drone-based delivery. Now, Amazon’s Prime Air …