Google Soon Informing Users About What Data Apps Collect

A small but important change is coming to your Android apps.  Soon you’ll notice a new Data Safety section on the Google Play Store which will provide greater transparency about exactly what data the apps you install are collecting. The change is meant to serve as a “privacy label” that …

Some Windows 11 Upgrade Links Could Be Malware

There’s a new hacking campaign underway that you need to be aware of especially if you or anyone you know is interested in upgrading to Windows 11. The campaign appears to be a legitimate offer from Microsoft and it gives users the opportunity to upgrade to Windows 11 for free. …

Netflix Will Soon Crack Down On Password Sharing

Netflix has been talking about cracking down on password sharing for years.  So far, it’s been just talk. Recently, the company suffered its first decrease in subscribers in recent memory. They lost more than 200,000 in the first quarter of 2022. That is a fact which sent their stock price …

Microsoft May Have A Fix For Windows 10 Freezing Issue

Has your Windows 10 machine been mysteriously freezing up on you lately?  If it has, you’re not alone.  Fortunately, Microsoft’s engineers have identified the root cause of that issue and have released a patch that fixes it. The patch you’re looking for is KB5012636. Be aware that this is a …

LinkedIn Now The Most Spoofed Website For Phishing Emails

Considered to be social media for professionals, LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for millions of people all over the world and a great way to make a wide range of professional connections. Unfortunately, hackers and scammers are aware of this fact and tend to gravitate to it as well. They …

Update Now If You Run This WordPress Plugin

Millions of people around the world have leveraged the awesome power of WordPress to build their sites.  Whether for personal or business use, WordPress has the flexibility and functionality to create just about any type of site you can dream of. A large part of this flexibility comes from the …

Beware Zip Attachments In Emails Could Be Qbot Malware

The owners of the Qbot botnet are changing things up.  The botnet’s normal Modus Operandi for distributing their signature Qbot malware has been to push their malicious code via phishing emails which contain Microsoft Office documents laden with poisoned macros. More recently though, the group behind the botnet has switched …

This Banking Malware Can Fake Calls From Your Bank

There’s a new strain of malware that specifically targets Android users that you should be aware of.  Dubbed simply “Fakecalls,” it is a banking trojan that boasts a powerful new ability we haven’t seen before in the malware world.  It can fake a call from your bank. On its face, …

Large Company Snap-On Tools Recently Hit By Data Breach

If you have any tools in your garage, odds are good that at least a few of them are Snap-on tools.  The brand is ubiquitous in the United States and the company is one of the leading manufacturers globally. They sell under a variety of different brand names and some …