Data allegedly stolen from Cincinnati State Technical and Community College has been leaked after Vice Society attacked the campus. Many of the stolen documents were posted on the hackers’ websites. These documents date from several years ago until November 24, 2022, suggesting that threat actors still have access to the …
New Microsoft Report Details Latest Cybersecurity Threats
According to Microsoft’s latest announcement, businesses should assess security measures to defend against evolving cyber-security threats. Microsoft released its Digital Defense Report (MDDR) for 2022. Microsoft released alarming statistics about the cyber threats that the company has faced in the last year, including phishing, identity theft, and ransomware attacks. Microsoft …
Three Growing Dark Web Dangers Businesses Face Right Now
Should you still be worried about the dark web? The short answer is yes. The dark web is active and thriving today. It’s actually busier than ever and still growing thanks in part to the rise of the gig economy. How Significant is the Dark Web These Days? The dark …
Modern Security Solutions For Evolving Ransomware Attacks
Based on a recent survey conducted by the folks at Titaniam, a solid majority of organizations have robust security tools in place. Yet nearly 40 percent of them have fallen victim to a ransomware attack in the past year. How can this be? With conventional tools in place, how can …
Spear Phishing is a Gateway to Disaster But Awareness Reduces Risk
A flood of phishing has been swamping businesses, with a record 1 million phishing attacks logged by the Anti-Phishing Working Group in Q1 2022. That wave of phishing attacks isn’t all just cybercriminals casting wide nets to catch as many victims as they can. While most cyberattacks are opportunistic, some …
What Are The Dangers of Business Email Compromise?
What’s the most expensive cyberattack that businesses face today? If you said business email compromise (BEC) you’re right. The FBI IC3 2021 Internet Crime Report showed that BEC packed a powerful punch against U.S. businesses that year. BEC complainants to IC3 suffered $2,395,953,296 in losses in 2021, 28% higher than …
Microsoft Believes AI Can Help Prevent Ransomware In The Future
Recently, Microsoft published a fascinating blog post. In the blog post, they said they were experimenting with “novel approaches” when it comes to harnessing the power of AI to spot threats on the threat landscape before they become a problem. In particular, the company is focused on stopping ransomware attacks …
Ransomware Hackers Have Set Their Sights On Exchange Servers
Microsoft Exchange servers are once more in the crosshairs of hackers around the world. Most recently, hacking groups have been specifically targeting them to deploy BlackCat ransomware. As is common among ransomware attacks, the hackers here first rifle through an infected network, looking for login credentials, proprietary information, and other …
Hackers Are Teaming Up To Wreak Havoc On Corporate Users
It’s never a good thing when well-organized groups of hackers start working together, but that’s what appears to be happening. Recently, evidence has emerged that the Black Basta ransomware gang has begun tight-knit cooperation with the infamous QBot malware operation. They share the specific goal of inflicting maximum damage on …
Intel Users Should Update Firmware To Avoid This Ransomware
Not long ago, researchers at Eclypsium got a lucky break. An unknown and unidentified individual began leaking communications from inside the Conti ransomware organization. These leaked communications seemed to confirm what has long been suspected: That there are strong ties between the Conti gang and Russia’s FSB (military intelligence). This …