Update Patch From Microsoft Causing Issues With Outlook Users

Back in October, Microsoft issued an update for Windows 10 that was a bit of a disaster.  It wound up deleting some user files and sparked a completely justified outrage.  The company pulled the update back, taking it offline so more people wouldn’t be impacted. Then they recently re-released it, …

Google Continues To Battle With Malware In Play Store

In recent months, Google has taken steps to tighten up its processes so that fewer poisoned apps find their way into the Google Play Store.  In addition to that, the company has stepped up its efforts to ruthlessly track down and remove malicious apps whenever and wherever they are found.  …

Are Graphics Processing Units Vulnerable To Hacker Attacks?

Bad news for computer users everywhere.  Researchers at the University of California in Riverside have discovered that GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) are vulnerable to side-channel attacks like Spectre and Meltdown, which have been plaguing Intel CPU’s for the better part of a year. The team, (consisting of two computer science …

Fraudulent Payments Are Hurting Venmo And Its Users

The mobile payment platform Venmo (owned by Paypal) has a fraud problem.  That’s not exactly new.  The company has struggled with fraud issues for a long time, but recently, things have gotten out of control.  According to the Wall Street Journal, the company reported losses of $40 million in just …

You Should Be Worried About Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

In the world of data security, cryptocurrency mining software is often overlooked or discounted as a threat because it doesn’t do serious harm to the infected system. It bleeds off computing resources, putting them to work for the miners who control the software, working for them to solve complex cryptographic …

Microsoft Fixes October Windows 10 Update

As you probably heard, Microsoft’s October update of Windows 10 was a bit of a disaster.  Sure, it updated your OS, but unfortunately for many users, it also deleted a variety of files. This prompted outrage from the company’s massive user base. Things would have been bad enough if the …

Officials Want To Know If Wireless Carriers Are Throttling Video

Remember earlier this year when net neutrality got killed off and everybody said it wouldn’t matter? Well, it seems it might have mattered after all. Recently, three US Senators sent letters of inquiry to four wireless carriers. They are investigating allegations that the carriers have been throttling (slowing down) video …

Most Travelers Are Oblivious To Security Risks During Travel

Over the course of the holiday season this year, more than half of the working adults in the United States will be traveling with one or more of their work devices. Unfortunately, only a tiny fraction of those fully appreciate the data security risks inherent in travel, which is a …

FCC Increasing Wireless Spectrum For More Bandwidth Options

The wheels of government bureaucracy turn slowly, but they do turn. Currently, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is slowly pressing forward with an expansion of the available spectrum, on a quest to increase bandwidth for connected devices. Given the explosion of smart devices that has seen the Internet of Things …

Having Issues With Your iPhone X Touchscreen?

If you own an iPhone X and have been experiencing problems with the touch responsiveness of your display, you’re not alone.  Apple has acknowledged that faulty components in an unspecified number of iPhone X’s may cause the display module to fail.  In response, they’ve launched a new program to replace …