Facebook Will Roll Out Unsend In Messenger Soon

For more than a year, Facebook has been working on an important update to their Messenger service that will give users the ability to “unsend” messages in conversations you’ve had with others. This means permanently deleting them from both your record of the conversation and theirs. On the face of …

Two More Companies Just Had Customer Data Breached

How long does it take from when hackers steal credit card data from a given company until it appears for sale on the Dark Web? The answer varies from one hacker to the next, but the short answer is ‘not very long.’  The more precise answer, at least in the …

Dark Mode On Android Phones Extends Battery Life

Google recently confirmed that “Dark Mode” on Android phones uses less power and thus, helps to boost battery life. Most websites and OS screens do all they can to make it easier to see them on the diminutive screens of our smartphones.  That means bright white backgrounds and bright colors …

Researchers Have Found A New Security Issue With Bluetooth

Researchers from the Israeli security firm Armis have discovered a new security flaw in BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) chips that expose millions of access points and networking devices around the world. This opened the door to a new hack. The flaw has been dubbed “BleedingBit” and is actually two separate …

Google Updating reCAPTCHA To Make It Easier For Users

Bots make up a shocking percentage of internet traffic.  In fact, in some industries, there are far more bots trolling sites than there are humans.  Keeping bots from interfering with a website’s functionality and impacting human user experiences is an ongoing challenge that Google and many other companies are struggling …

Data Breach Hits Radisson Hotel Group

The Radisson Hotel Group joins the ranks of globally-recognized brands to be on the receiving end of a successful hack.  According to the company, a small percentage of their loyalty club members had some of their personal information accessed by an unauthorized and as yet unknown third party. The company …

Apple Adds Physical Security Feature To New MacBook

In recent months, hackers around the world have been finding new ways to invade people’s privacy, hijacking an increasing number of cameras and microphones attached to smartphones and PCs.  Apple is responding to the evolving threat by introducing a new layer of physical security to their latest MacBooks. The company …

Are Some SSD Drives Susceptible To Hacking?

A research team has found an exploit that allows hackers to decrypt and view encrypted files on a number of well-known SSD drives.       They include: Samsung T5 Portable Samsung T3 Portable Samsung 850 EVO Samsung 840 EVO Crucial MX 300 Crucial MX 200 Crucial MX 100 According …

Another Intel Processor Vulnerability Found

Intel just can’t seem to catch a break.  By now, almost everyone has heard about the dreaded Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities which have been plaguing the chip maker since they were first discovered.  Now, it seems there’s a new chip-based threat. This latest threat has been dubbed PortSmash by the …