New Zeppelin Ransomware Brings Companies To A Halt

Researchers at BlackBerry Cylance have discovered a new and dangerous strain of ransomware in the wild dubbed “Zeppelin”. It has been used to target small numbers of healthcare and technology-related companies in the US, Canada and Europe in recent weeks. An analysis of the code reveals that Zeppelin is related …

Ransomware Uses New Method To Get Past Antivirus Programs

Researchers at SophosLabs have discovered a new threat to be on the alert for.  A variant of the Snatch ransomware has been spotted in the wild. It features an innovative means of getting around whatever antivirus software you may be using to defend yourself. Disguised as a backup utility, when …

Update Amazon Blink Cameras To Fix Security Vulnerabilities

Do you have a home security system that incorporates Amazon’s Blink XT2 cameras? If so, be advised that researchers at Tenable Security recently identified several serious security flaws that would allow an attacker to take control of the cameras remotely and use them to spy on you and your family. …

New Gmail Attachment Feature Makes Forwarding Easier

Google has a solid reputation when it comes to making a steady stream of improvements to its large and growing base of products and services.  They have a demonstrated a track record when it comes to enhancing user experience. Recently, they’ve proved that once again by adding a new feature …

Windows 10 Mobile OS Complete End of Life Is Here

Are you using a device that’s running on Windows 10 Mobile?  If so, you don’t have a lot of company.  Sadly, the OS never really caught on. Microsoft pulled the plug on its development, announcing that support for it would be coming to an end. Unfortunately, that day has arrived.  …

Happy New Year

Looking Back on 2019 and Seeing 2020!

We celebrated several monumental milestones this year including our 15th anniversary, record-setting growth and a few unique new honors. Your Lake Worth-based Managed Service Provider opened the first quarter in 2019 by adding two new team members and plans are already in the works to add more network engineers as …

New Trojan Malware Steals Passwords From Chrome

If you use Google’s Chrome web browser, there’s a new threat you should be aware of.  A new trojan targeting Windows-based machines will attempt to steal passwords stored in the Chrome browser. Dubbed CStealer, it was discovered by the Malware Hunter Team. They found some points of interest that make …

About Half A Million Credit Cards Found On Dark Web

Researchers from Group-IB monitor the Dark Web and have recently reported the appearance of nearly half a million credit card records available for sale. Each record is valued at more than half a million dollars. The records were rolled out in staggered fashion, with the first file containing some 30,000 …

New Malware Can Spy On You In Scary Ways

There’s a new strain of malware in the wild. It is targeting Android devices and disguised as an innocuous chat app. Researchers at Trend Micro have discovered it in two different apps so far:  Chatrious and the Apex App.  Chatrious has since vanished from Google’s Play Store, but at the …

Phishing Emails Are Becoming Even Harder To Identify

According to data collected by Microsoft, phishing emails accounted for 0.62 percent of all inbox receipts in September 2019. That’s up from 0.31 percent just one year prior to that. The increase is alarming of course, but at first glance, these look like fairly harmless numbers. Unfortunately, last year, phishing …