For Security, Windows 10 Update Removes Adobe Flash Player

In September of this year, Microsoft announced that they would soon be releasing an optional update designed to remove the Adobe Flash Player from any machine applying the update, and rendering it impossible for Flash to be reinstalled on that device. It’s easy to understand how and why the company …

Notification To Update Microsoft Word Could Be Hidden Malware

If you’ve spent any time at all surveying the threat landscape, then you’re almost certainly familiar with the name Emotet. As one of the largest malware botnets on the planet, it’s dangerous and then some, and its tentacles extend to every corner of the globe. There’s nowhere on earth you …

Latest Windows 10 Update May Block Third Party Drivers

If you haven’t yet installed the latest Windows 10 or Windows Server update, here’s something to be aware of before you do. You may not be able to update or install some third-party drivers. When you try, you might receive an error message that reads ‘Windows can’t verify the publisher …

New Windows 10 Update Shows App Warnings For Malware

A great many malware strains are designed to engage quietly during a PC’s startup process and then idle in the background. They are in the system logging keystrokes, taking screen shots at periodic intervals and uploading them to a command and control server, or doing other nefarious things. Microsoft wants …

Microsoft Image AI Increases Accuracy To Rival Humans

Skynet just took a step closer to becoming a reality. The word, of course, refers back to the hit movie, ‘Terminator,’ in which a computer network gained sentience and decided to do away with the human race. While Microsoft’s latest advances in AI aren’t Skynet, their new, and recently touted …

Update Windows Display Drivers Soon For Security Fix

If you’ve got an NVIDIA graphics card in your PC, and odds are pretty good that you do, be aware that the company recently released a security update. It patches a number of high severity vulnerabilities in the Windows GPU display driver that could allow a hacker to gain complete …

Solid State Drives Get Health Monitoring In Windows 10 Update

Do you have a solid state drive (SSD) inside your PC? An increasing percentage of newer models are including them, taking advantage of their better speeds, relative to HDDs. Unfortunately, a recent Microsoft Windows 10 update wasn’t very kind to SSD owners, and caused SSDs to defrag much more frequently …

Microsoft Considering Adding Meet Now Button For Online Meetings

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed a number of things about how the world works. One of the bigger and more noticeable changes is, of course, the fact that so many people are working from home these days. They’re relying on video conferencing software in lieu of face to face meetings. …