One of the most frequently heard complaints about Windows has to do with aesthetics. Despite a few seemingly halfhearted attempts to modernize, significant portions of the OS looks and feels like they were designed in the 90’s. That’s because Windows is still utilizing a lot of design techniques and icons …
Microsoft Expanding Fight Against Macros Based Malware
Macros have been a simple, effective means of spreading malware since the 1990’s, and some hackers still rely on them heavily to ensnare and infect unsuspecting users. It’s a long standing issue that many companies have attempted to address over the years. Now, it seems that it’s Microsoft’s turn at …
Browser Wars Heat Up With Microsoft Edge Boosting Speeds
If you thought the browser wars were over, think again. Microsoft has made some startling improvements to its Edge browser recently that gave it an impressive 41 percent speed boost. That suddenly puts it in the running for the fastest, if not the best and most robust browser in the …
Latest Windows 10 Release Ditches Unpopular 3D Objects Folder
Recently Microsoft made a change that few people will care about or even notice. On the off chance that you’re one of the minority of people who use the 3D Objects folder, you should know that as of Windows 10 release 1703, the 3d Objects folder will no longer be …
Text Prediction Is Coming To Microsoft Word
Most modern email systems these days have a “predictive typing” feature. As you’re composing an email, the software behind the system predicts (fairly accurately) what you’re about to type and suggests the next word, or even the next few words for you. If you hit the activation key (which is …
Microsoft Edge Browser Releasing Kids Mode For Safety And Security
If you have children, you probably know all about setting up parental controls. It’s annoying. It can be time consuming, and not to mention more than a little frustrating. Fortunately, Microsoft has an answer for that. Recently, the development team has been hard at work putting a “Kids Mode” together …
New Microsoft Office Coming To Windows And Mac In 2021
Microsoft recently announced a significant addition to their ubiquitous office suite. Two new versions are on deck for 2021: A consumer Office 2021 version and Office LTSC (Long-Term Service Channel) for Enterprise customers, with both of these being made available to both Windows and macOS users. That matters because although …
Update Available To Fix Windows 10 Crashing Issue
Back in the early days of Windows, the OS didn’t have a very good reputation. The dreaded Blue Screen of Death was an all-too-common occurrence and plugging peripherals into a Windows-based PC was referred to as “Plug and Pray” functionality. Since then though, the company really has come a long …
Microsoft Adds New Security Feature To Office 365
Microsoft has made an important change to Office 365 you should be aware of. The company recently introduced a new feature called Application Guard, which is now available to all Office 365 users with supported licenses. The Application Guard blocks files that have been downloaded from untrusted sources by shunting …
Big Changes Coming To Microsoft Outlook In Coming Years
Microsoft has been moving toward a unified “single version” of Outlook that would offer a seamless user experience across all platforms and devices. Unfortunately, thus far, that objective has remained elusive. In late 2020, however, the company announced “Project Monarch” which seeks to create a new email/calendar client that will …