Notification To Update Microsoft Word Could Be Hidden Malware

If you’ve spent any time at all surveying the threat landscape, then you’re almost certainly familiar with the name Emotet. As one of the largest malware botnets on the planet, it’s dangerous and then some, and its tentacles extend to every corner of the globe. There’s nowhere on earth you …

This New Ransomware Can Infect A Network In Just Minutes

Not all ransomware strains are created equally. Some are designed as slow burns that will infect a target system, expanding its reach for days, or even weeks before striking and locking your business critical files. Others are designed to hit fast and hard. Lockbit definitely falls into this latter category, …

Mac And Android Added To GravityRAT Malware’s Targets

Malware comes in all shapes and sizes. Some strains copy and encrypt files. Others serve annoying ads. Still others work quietly in the background, mining this or that cryptocurrency using your computer’s processing power to do it. GravityRAT is a different sort of creature. It has been actively developed since …

Coordinated Effort Underway To Take Down Trickbot Malware

Score one for the good guys. A team led by Microsoft’s DCU (Digital Crimes Unit) that includes Symantec, NTT Ltd, ESET, and Lumen’s Black Lotus Labs is working on something new. They have launched a sustained, coordinated attack on Trickbot’s infrastructure in a bid to destroy it, preventing the hackers …

New Windows 10 Update Shows App Warnings For Malware

A great many malware strains are designed to engage quietly during a PC’s startup process and then idle in the background. They are in the system logging keystrokes, taking screen shots at periodic intervals and uploading them to a command and control server, or doing other nefarious things. Microsoft wants …

Intel Adding Additional Security To Future Processors

Intel has had more than its share of challenges over the last couple of years. Not the least of which included a whole family of new attack vectors that made headlines and caused panic around the world. This happened as hackers discovered new ways to attack machines with ‘Intel Inside,’ …

New HEH Botnet Malware Can Destroy Devices It Attacks

Security researchers at Netlab have recently reported on their discovery of a terrifying new botnet on the web. Dubbed HEH, this botnet is a different sort of threat. Unlike most others, this one is not designed to launch DDOS attacks or install malicious code. Its purpose is much simpler, and …

Update Adobe Media Encoder Immediately With Current Patch

Adobe took the unusual step of releasing an out of band patch to address a trio of serious security issues in Adobe Media Encoder. The program is used by tens of thousands of people around the world to encode audio and video in a variety of formats. The three issues …

New Malware Maker Got Past Apple Security

Apple has been historically very good at keeping malware out of their app store, and they’re constantly improving their security protocols on that front. In fact, since February of this year (2020), all Mac software distributed outside of its Mac App Store must be notarized by Apple. The developers must …