McDonalds is the latest major corporation to fall victim to a hacking attack. The fast-food giant does business in more than 100 countries and has nearly 40,000 locations globally with more than 14,000 in the United States alone. Recently, they disclosed that hackers found a way into their network and …
Bose Is Latest Company To Have Employee Data Breached
Bose is the latest in an unending parade of major companies to disclose that they’ve been the victim of a ransomware attack. In the company’s breach notification letter, they indicated that they first detected the incursion on March 7th, 2021, with the attack itself having occurred on April 29th. Additionally, …
Massive Data Leak Affects More Than 100M Android Users
If you own an Android smart device, be advised there has been a data leak. Security researchers at Check Point have recently discovered a massive data leak that left an assortment of personal data for more than 100 million Android users exposed. The data was found in unprotected databases used …
Large Insurance Company Geico Suffers Data Breach
Geico, the second largest insurance carrier in the US, recently became the latest high-profile company to suffer a data breach in the United States. The company is the second largest auto insurance carrier in the US, with more than 17 million policies in effect, covering more than 28 million vehicles …
Hackers Might Guess Your Passwords Easier Than You Thought
Password security has long been a thorn in the side of IT Security Professionals. It’s easy enough to understand why. Passwords are inconvenient from the perspective of users, which is why they tend to keep them as simple as possible, so they can remember them. On the other hand, IT …
Details On Massive Facebook Data Leak Hack
As you’re probably aware, recently a vast trove of Facebook profiles totaling 533 million in all, wound up on a hacker forum. The company was initially silent about the issue, but the company has now released a statement about the matter. Unfortunately, that statement isn’t terribly reassuring. The good news, …
A United States Bank Hit By Ransomware And Data Breach
A few months ago, it became widely known that there was a critical security vulnerability in Accellion FTA servers. Naturally, hackers wasted no time exploiting the vulnerability, and since then, we’ve seen a few instances of high-profile data breaches traced back to that very vulnerability. Flagstar bank is the latest …
Large Supermarket Chain Kroger Suffers Data Breach
Kroger, a titan in the US supermarket industry, is the latest company to fall victim to a data breach. In this case, the breach came about via a third-party service the company utilized called Accellion FTA. Hackers were able to exploit a Zero-Day vulnerability in that software and use it …
Data Breach Victims Get More Spam And Phishing Emails
Do you feel as though you get a lot of spam mail? If so, you should know that you actually get almost a hundred times more than what you think you’re getting. However, most modern email systems (including Google’s G-mail) do a spectacular job of filtering, which keeps the vast …
PIXLR Data Breach Information Leaked Online
If you do any photo editing online, odds are good that you use PIXLR. It is one of the most popular such sites on the web because it offers many of the features you find in professional photo editing tools like Photoshop and is available for free (there’s also a …