Connecting To Airport Wi-Fi Puts Your Data At Risk

File this away under things you already knew.  Coronet recently released a report entitled “Attention All Passengers:  Airport Networks Are Putting Your Devices & Cloud Apps At Severe Risk,” and the news is about what you’d expect.  The report was more than five months in the making. The analysts poured …

E-Mail Is A Big Threat To Your Organization

Mimecast’s 2018 “State of Email Security” report is out, and although it’s contents are hardly a surprise, the news it contains is mostly bad. For starters, it confirms what most IT professionals already know: Email continues to be a big threat for organizations of all sizes. Unfortunately, the C-Suite (CEO’s, …

New Report Shows 32 Percent Increase In Cyber Attacks

Positive Technologies has just released a new report that paints a grim picture for IT professionals.  If your sense is that the number of cyberattacks are increasing, you’re not wrong. In fact, it’s probably worse than you realize. So far this year, we’ve seen a staggering 32 percent increase in …