New Survey Shows People Still Have Bad Password Habits

For the last several years, industry experts have been sounding the alarm about password security.  We’ve known for quite some time that one of the biggest weak spots in corporate security is the fact that employee passwords are notoriously weak. Millions have been spent on security education.  Seminars have been …

Large Increase In Business Email Hacking Incidents

Given the rate of increase in the number of hacking attacks, it was predicted early on that 2018 would be another record setting year. That came with more hack attempts and more successful attacks than were seen in 2017.  Sadly, that prediction proved to be correct. What few people had …

Your PC May Have Security Risks From Old Loaded Software 

When was the last time you conducted a company wide audit on all the software running on all the machines tied to your firm’s network?  If you’re not sure the answer to that question, it’s almost certainly been too long.  The risk, at least according to the latest survey from …

Watch Out For New Ransomware Called Phobos

There’s a new strain of ransomware making the rounds, and it’s a nasty piece of work. Called Phobos by its creators, the latest threat on the ransomware scene first made an appearance in December of 2018. While details are sketchy, what we know so far about it is grim indeed. …

Windows Vulnerability Found Using VCard Files 

There’s a new zero-day vulnerability in Windows 10 you need to be aware of.  As with all zero-day threats, this one is dangerous in the extreme, allowing a hacker to potentially execute code on your machine remotely. It was discovered by security researcher John Page, and reported to the company …

Windows 7 Support Ends In 2020, So Plan To Upgrade

Bad news is on the horizon if you’re one of the surprising number of people still using Windows 7.  Microsoft is only offering one more year of free support.  As of January 14th, 2020, you’ll no longer have access to critical security updates. While support will end entirely for individual …

New Love Letter Email Could Load Malware On Your PC 

Here’s some disturbing news:  Hackers around the world are actively trying to exploit Valentine’s Day. This is according to new research from the Emerging Treats team at the security firm ProofPoint.  The team has detected a massive new mal-spam campaign they’ve dubbed “The Love Letter Campaign.”   Relying on basic …

New Firefox Release Disables Adobe Flash Support

Are you a Firefox user?  If so, be advised that in Mozilla’s next release, Firefox 69, the company will be disabling support for the beleaguered Adobe Flash plugin. The change has been on the radar for quite some time, so it should not come as a surprise to anyone.  It’s …

Government Shutdown May Cause Issues With Web Security

Here’s a side-effect of the government’s continuing shutdown that many people had not anticipated:  Expiring TLS Certificates used for web security. Most people clearly see the impacts of national parks closing and the like. It’s worth remembering that the government’s IT staffed as been classified as ‘non-essential’ too, which means …

If Your Password is On This List, Change It Now

The annual list of the worst passwords in use during 2018 has just been published by SplashData. This year’s list features a number of the usual suspects, but there are also a few new entries.     Here are the ten worst passwords in use, according to the data: 123456 …