Ficker Malware Tricks People To Get Their Passwords

Jiri Kropac, the head of ESET’s Threat Detection Labs, recently reported a new malware campaign to be aware of. This one is a bit different in terms of methodology. Hackers most commonly employ emails utilizing various social engineering tricks in an attempt to lure unsuspecting recipients into clicking malicious links …

What Businesses Can Do To Minimize Phishing Emails

If you had to guess, worldwide, how many phishing emails would you estimate are sent out every day, what would you say? If you guessed anything less than three billion, you’d be incorrect. Three billion a day, on average. That’s both terrifying and depressing. On hearing that grim statistic, it’s …

New Ryuk Ransomware Function Spreads Across Networks Quickly

In terms of ransoms paid, Ryuk is the most successful strain of ransomware in use today, having netted an estimated $150 million for the group behind the malicious code. According to a recent report published by France’s national cybersecurity agency, it just got even more dangerous. Ryuk has historically been …

Staying Up To Date On Software Patches Is Critical

Google’s Project Zero security team has an impressive track record when it comes to chasing down and addressing the most critical security flaws found. They’re tireless in their work, which has saved untold billions of dollars and hampered the efforts of hackers all over the world. The team has gathered …

Hackers Are Using DDOS Attacks To Profit Off Businesses

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDOS) have been used by hackers since the earliest days of the web. Get enough internet-connected devices to ping a server at the same time, and you can knock the server offline. Keep the pressure on and you can keep it offline, pretty much indefinitely. …

Watch Out for Egregor Ransomware Now Hitting The Scene

A new ransomware strain burst onto the scene in September of this year (2020). Dubbed ‘Egregor’ by the research team at Digital Shadows who discovered it, it has already claimed more than seventy victims in nineteen countries around the world. Worse, the hackers controlling it appear to just be getting …

People Are Paying Ransomware Attackers In Large Numbers In 2020

Hackers have increasingly gravitated to ransomware attacks in 2020, as being one of the best and most reliable paths to a payday. That brings to mind an interesting question though. Naturally, the viability of this type of attack comes down to what percentage of victims are willing to actually pay …

Some Businesses Are Dangerously Avoiding Critical IT Security Updates

How good is your IT staff at staying current when it comes to applying all the latest security patches? Unfortunately, the answer for most businesses is, “probably not as good as you think.” According to research conducted by Bitdefender, a staggering 64 percent of un-patched vulnerabilities discovered on corporate networks …

Corporate Internet Users Watch Out For Conti Ransomware

Although you may not be familiar with the name, a strain of ransomware called “Conti” is surging in popularity on the Dark Web and seeing a rapidly growing number of installations, so it’s definitely one to be on guard against. Advanced intel’s Vitali Kremez has been tracking this strain since …

This New Malware Is Hitting Exchange Servers To Steal Info

In late 2019, a new strain of malware called “Valak” was detected. In the six months that followed its initial discovery in the wild, more than 30 variants of the code were detected. Initially, Valak was classified as a simple loading program. As various groups have tinkered with the code, …