Do you own one or more of the following products made by Cisco? The RV110W Wireless-N VPN Firewall The RV130 VPN Router The RV130W Wireless-N Multifunction VPN Router The RV215W Wireless-N VPN Router If so, be advised that a new and critical security vulnerability has been found that impacts your …
It May Be Time To Update Your Business Logo
Corporate branding can be worth its weight in gold and certain images are absolutely iconic. The Golden Arches, the Nike “swoosh,” and Apple’s Apple all come to mind. Logo images give companies the means of offering a consistent brand image over time, and that can be a very good thing. …
How To Protect Your Company With Cybersecurity Awareness
These days, companies spend significant sums of money to protect themselves from cyber criminals. The threat matrix is vast, and attacks can come from almost any quarter. That is why many companies not only spend heavily on antivirus software, but also on a wide range of tools that IT security …
Cisco Email Gateway Appliance Users Should Apply Security Patch
Tech giant Cisco recently sent out a notification to its vast customer base urging them to apply a recently issued patch that addresses a critical security vulnerability. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to bypass the authentication process entirely and gain access to the web management interface of Cisco email …
Simple Ways To Hire The Perfect Candidate The First Time
Top quality talent can be difficult to find in any field, if you have spent any time looking for and hiring people, you know the challenge can be an especially daunting one. There’s tremendous competition for talented folks. Given the cost of hiring and training new people, it’s something you …
Researchers Warn About Symbiote Malware Which Attacks Linux Machines
Are you a Linux user? If so, be aware that there is a new kind of malware to be concerned about. The BlackBerry Threat Research and Intelligence team, in concert with Joakim Kennedy (an Intezer Analyze security researcher), have announced the discovery of a new strain of malware. They’ve dubbed …
Beware New Windows Vulnerability With Remote Search Window Access
You may not know the name Matthew Hickey, but you should thank him for a recent discovery that could save you a lot of grief. Hickey is the co-founder of a company called Hacker House. He recently discovered a flaw that could allow for the opening of a remote search …
Millions Of MySQL Server Users’ Data Found On The Internet
Do you maintain a MySQL server? If so, you’re certainly not alone. What you may not know is that according to research conducted by The Shadowserver Foundation, (a cybersecurity research group) there are literally millions of MySQL servers visible on the internet that shouldn’t be. In all, the group found …
Upgrade This WordPress Plugin To Avoid Being Hacked
Do you own and manage a WordPress site either personally or as part of your business? Do you also use the Tatsu plugin which offers a powerful suite of in-browser editing features and has been installed by more than 100,000 users worldwide? If so, be aware that there is a …
You Might Need This HP Bios Security Update
HP recently released a BIOS update to address a pair of high-severity vulnerabilities that affect a wide range of PC and notebook products offered by the company. In both cases, the vulnerabilities would allow an attacker to execute code arbitrarily and with Kernel level privileges. The two flaws are being …